Artwork Images 作品圖片 - Lévy Gorvy
Scale view of Jean-Michel Basquiat's Untitled 1982

Basquiat_Untitled_1982 (LG-10337-19) scale

Installation view of Jean-Michel Basquiat's painting Untitled (1982)

Basquiat_Untitled_1982 (LG-10337-19) install

Side view of Jean-Michel Basquiat's painting Untitled (1982)

Side view of Jean-Michel Basquiat's painting Untitled (1982)

Jean-Michel Basquiat's painting Untitled (1982)

Detail shot of Jean-Michel Basquiat's painting Untitled (1982)

Detail shot of Jean-Michel Basquiat's painting Untitled (1982)

Detail shot of Jean-Michel Basquiat's painting Untitled (1982)

Detail shot of Jean-Michel Basquiat's painting Untitled (1982)

Artwork Images 作品圖片

Jean-Michel Basquiat 讓·米歇爾·巴斯奎特
Untitled 無題
1982 年作
Acrylic, oilstick, and metallic paint on canvas 壓克力 畫布
94 ¾ x 60 inches 厘米 (240.7 x 152.4 cm 英寸)
© The Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat
© 讓·米歇爾·巴斯奎特基金會


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