Pierre Soulages 皮耶·蘇拉吉 | Outrenoir 黑出晦冥 - Lévy Gorvy
  • Installation view of Pierre Soulages: Outrenoir exhibition at Lévy Gorvy Hong Kong 2020

    Installation view, Pierre Soulages: Outrenoir, Lévy Gorvy Hong Kong, 2020. Photo: Kitmin Lee

  • Installation view of Pierre Soulages: Outrenoir exhibition at Lévy Gorvy Hong Kong 2020

    Installation view, Pierre Soulages: Outrenoir, Lévy Gorvy Hong Kong, 2020. Photo: Kitmin Lee

  • Installation view of Pierre Soulages: Outrenoir exhibition at Lévy Gorvy Hong Kong 2020

    Installation view, REVEAL | Soulages 1953, Lévy Gorvy Hong Kong, 2020. Photo: Kitmin Lee

  • Installation view of Pierre Soulages: Outrenoir exhibition at Lévy Gorvy Hong Kong 2020

    Installation view, REVEAL | Soulages 1953, Lévy Gorvy Hong Kong, 2020. Photo: Kitmin Lee

Pierre Soulages 皮耶·蘇拉吉 | Outrenoir 黑出晦冥Exhibitions

Hong Kong
July 7 - September 10, 2020



Pierre Soulages 皮耶·蘇拉吉 | Outrenoir 黑出晦冥

On view from 7 July through 10 September, 2020, the exhibition Pierre Soulages: Outrenoir will continue the global celebration of the artist's 100th birthday, following solo survey exhibitions in New York at Lévy Gorvy and in Paris at Musée du Louvre—only the third time in the museum’s history that the Salon Carré has been devoted entirely to the presentation of work by a single living artist, an honor shared only by Pablo Picasso and Marc Chagall. Pierre Soulages: Outrenoir will be the first exhibition in Hong Kong organized with France’s foremost living artist.

A contemporary of the American Abstract Expressionists and of artists working in Paris like his colleague and lifetime friend Zao Wou-Ki, Soulages has remained a key figure in the international developments of contemporary art for seven decades. Throughout his career, Soulages has explored the poetic possibilities of his radical approach to abstraction, which he continues to pursue as an active painter. His striking Outrenoir paintings—a term invented by Soulages which translates as “beyond black”—is an ongoing body of work that examines the physical and psychological qualities of visual experience through the use of black paint.


Selected Works

  • Pierre Soulages's Peinture 102 x 165 cm, 15 janvier 2020

    Pierre Soulages
    Peinture 102 x 165 cm, 15 janvier 2020
    繪畫102 x 165厘米,2020年1月15日
    Acrylic on canvas 壓克力 畫布
    40 3/16 x 64 15/16 inches 英寸 (102 x 165 cm 厘米)
    © Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris

  • Pierre Soulages's Peinture 81 x 57 cm, 27 septembre 2013

    Pierre Soulages
    Peinture 81 x 57 cm, 27 septembre 2013
    繪畫81 x 57厘米,2013年9月27日
    Acrylic on canvas 壓克力 畫布
    31 7/8 x 22 7/16 inches 英寸 (81 x 57 cm厘米)
    © Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris
    Photo: Arthus Boutin

  • Pierre Soulages's Peinture 102 x 165 cm, 27 février 2015

    Pierre Soulages
    Peinture 102 x 165 cm, 27 février 2015
    繪畫102 x 165厘米,2015年2月27日
    Acrylic on canvas 壓克力 畫布
    40 3/16 x 64 15/16 inches 英寸 (102 x 165 cm 厘米)
    © Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris
    Photo: Arthus Boutin

  • Pierre Soulages's Peinture 130 x 165 cm, Peinture 202 x 143 cm, 8 septembre 2019

    Pierre Soulages
    Peinture 202 x 143 cm, 8 septembre 2019
    繪畫202 x 143厘米,2019年9月8日
    Acrylic on canvas 壓克力 畫布
    79 1/2 x 56 5/16 inches 英寸 (202 x 143 cm 厘米)
    © Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris

  • Pierre Soulages's Peinture 130 x 165 cm, 1 septembre 2019

    Pierre Soulages
    Peinture 130 x 165 cm, 1 septembre 2019
    繪畫130 x 165厘米,2019年9月1日
    Acrylic on canvas 壓克力 畫布
    51 3/16 x 64 15/16 inches  英寸 (130 x 165 cm 厘米)
    © Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris


Selected Press

GalleriesNow | The Weekender

August 17, 2020

Hong Kong, Lévy Gorvy Pierre Soulages: Outrenoir 黑出晦冥 continuing the global celebration of the …

T Magazine China | 对幸存者而言,「余生」意味着什么?

July 28, 2020

目前,Soulages 的个展「皮耶 · 苏拉吉:黑出晦冥」(Pierre Soulages: Outrenoir)正在中国香港的厉为阁画廊展出。

Art Absolute | 黑出晦冥Outrenoir, 超越黑色的世纪巨匠皮耶·苏拉吉

July 16, 2020

在今年苏拉吉百岁之际,厉为阁(Lévy Gorvy)举办了由其本人授权的香港首次个展——「皮耶·苏拉吉:黑出晦冥」(Pierre …

Artdaily | Lévy Gorvy Opens First Hong Kong Exhibition in Collaboration with Pierre Soulages

July 13, 2020

Lévy Gorvy is presenting an exhibition of paintings by Pierre Soulages, France’s foremost living …

Tatler Hong Kong | 10 Hong Kong Art Exhibitions To See In July 2020

July 8, 2020

This exhibition at Lévy Gorvy marks his debut in Hong Kong and features his signature black paintings, …

Southern Metropolis Daily | 著名艺术家苏拉吉庆百岁生日,个展巡至中国亮相罕见大型画作

June 30, 2020

法国艺术家皮耶·苏拉吉(Pierre Soulages,又译“皮埃尔·苏拉热”)个展将于2020年7月7日至9月10日在厉为阁香港推出。这是继厉为阁纽约与巴黎卢浮宫的调查展个展之后,皮耶·苏拉吉百年华诞全球庆祝活动的延续。

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