A Horse of All Things萬物一馬 - Lévy Gorvy
Install view of Tu Hongtao's painting A Horse of All Things

Scale view of Tu Hongtao's painting A Horse of All Things

Detail view of Tu Hongtao's A Horse of All Things

Detail view of Tu Hongtao's A Horse of All Things

Detail view of Tu Hongtao's A Horse of All Things

Detail of Tu Hongtao's A Horse of All Things

Installation view, Tu Hongtao, Lévy Gorvy Hong Kong, 2020. Photo: Kitmin Lee

A Horse of All Things


Oil on canvas
油彩 畫布
82 11/16 x 126 inches (210 x 320 cm)
210 x 320 厘米 (82 11/16 x 126 吋)
© Tu Hongtao


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