Franz Kline - Lévy Gorvy

Franz Kline

Franz Kline

Franz Kline was one of the prominent members of the postwar New York School of artists. Born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Kline studied at Boston University and at the Heatherley School of Fine Art, London. In 1939 he moved to New York where he was influenced by the work of Abstract Expressionists such as Willem de Kooning, Robert Motherwell, and Jackson Pollock. He began to focus on abstraction himself, eventually shifting primarily into creating large-scale, black-and-white canvases. During his lifetime, the artist’s work was included in group exhibitions including the Venice Biennale as well as several Whitney Annuals and Biennials. Since the artist’s untimely death in 1963, he has been commemorated in numerous monographic shows at the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Phillips Collection, Washington, The Menil Collection, Houston, and the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona, among others.


REVEAL 識珍 | Pierre Soulages and Franz Kline

July 7, 2020


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